In 2020 WhatsApp and World Health Organization partnered together to release "Together at Home", a localized WhatsApp sticker pack aimed to spark joy, connection, and togetherness during the COVID 19 outbreak and beyond.
Team Lead: Valeryia Aranovich Illustration: Brianna Miller Animation Lead: Aaron Vasquez Animator: Bryan Cobonpue Comms: Vispi Bhopti
I teamed up with WhatsApp and World Health Organization to bring their concept to life, directing the illustration style and creating stickers around the themes of personal encouragement, health, safety and wellness, and connection.
The sticker pack is simple, human, and inclusive—functioning across multiple cultures through relatable and playful themes. It officially launched in 11 languages, reaching over 90% of WhatsApp users in their native language.
The pack offers creative ways to remind people to wash their hands, maintain distance, exercise, and most importantly to stay connected to people in their lives.
The Together at Home Sticker pack was launched officially by World Health Organization and had local, national, and global coverage. It reached 113 million downloads within the first 3 months of launching, making it the top downloaded sticker pack for several months running.
The sticker pack was well-received and featured in a positive light across all press and tech media outlets. Even in markets where stickers aren’t largely popular, such as India and Germany, consumer tech outlets responded positively to the pack's release, highlighting it as a creative way to connect with the people you love during the COVID 19 pandemic.